Governer Of Kentucky Bans Conversion Therapy For Minors
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Governer Of Kentucky Bans Conversion Therapy For Minors

A rather recent and highly publicized change at the state level has been the executive order for the state of Kentucky, signed by Governor Andy Beshear that bans the practice of conversion therapy on minors. The order, effective from 15/09/2024, brings the institution closer to providing safeguards to the queer youth from a practice that all medical and mental health professionals have rejected.

Conversion therapy or reparative therapy or sexual orientation change efforts is a practice whose efficacy is in question and which seeks to alter an individual’s orientation. This has been banned by the major medical associations starting with the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association as being ineffective and harmful most especially to the youths.

As a result of Governor Beshear’s executive order, the Bluegrass State is the 21st in the country to outlaw conversion therapy to minors. The order also prevents states from spending money on conversion therapy and also restricts the state’s departments from participating in any contract that offers such services to kids. It also entails the respective state boards and commissions that shall subject the professional service providers who practice conversion therapy on anyone under eighteen years of age to discipline and appropriate consequences.

During the press release announcing the executive order Governor Beshear highlighted the need to refrain from abusive practices by Kentucky on its youths. Each child in the state of Kentucky should have an opportunity to become an adult with a sense of safety, acceptance, and worth in their hearts, the governor said. ”This order is a clear signal that what is commonly known as conversion therapy has no room in this state and that this administration will not allow anything that endangers the welfare of our youths and teenagers. ”

The change in policy has received favorable reactions in most of the groups such as the groups supporting the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ communities and mental health professionals in the state. Kentucky’s largest queers’ rights organization, The Fairness Campaign, has applauded the move saying that the executive order will serve as a life-saving measure for vulnerable youths who are susceptible to psychological traumas and abuse.

However there has been some criticism from some of the conservative group and some of the religious organizations saying that it goes against the parental right and religious liberty of an individual. In response to the governor’s action, the Family Foundation of Kentucky issued a statement saying that the executive order has placed constraints on parental choices on what is available in helping their children with gender identity or sexual orientation challenges.

However, most mental health specialists in Kentucky have disowned tobacco and gum and have backed the ban in the open markets. In her comments on the bill, Dr. Sarah Thompson, a child psychologist based in Lexington said, “First of all, conversion therapy does not work and can make kids more depressed, anxious, and even suicidal. This ban is much-needed to support healthy young people in Lexington.

It also aims for the Kentucky Department for Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities to create information and initiatives as to the nature and risks of conversion therapy and supportive tools and options for the LGBTQ+ youths as well as their families.

When the people heard about the executive order, they had to come out and express their anger in one way or the other both at the state and national level. Support from the citizens came out in the form of tweets with appropriate use of the tag #LoveIsLoveKY. Employees of queer youth organizations said that they have seen an uptick of youth who have contacted them seeking support or information regarding the new laws.

Thus the further consequences of this executive order go beyond the provision of this ban of conversion therapy. It is seen as a change of tact by Kentucky concerning the issue of LGBTQ+ in relation to rights and protection and can therefore be followed by further against in the future. ”As it stands, supporters are pressuring the state House and Senate to pass legislation enacting the ban so as to guarantee that affected people do not lose their rights come changes of government. ”

Particularly new to this list ordered by states is Kentucky and the step is set to raise further debates in the national level regarding the rights of the members of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as young people in particular. The executive order was a huge win for the supporters of LGBTQ+ rights in a state that has otherwise remained rather even on many social issues and the move can be expected for other states in the region as well.

Such decision of Governor Beshear to sign this executive order shows that the times are changing and that people realize how damaging conversion therapy is, and how crucial it is to protect queer youth. So as the state progresses into the next phase of enforcing those new safeguards, the world will be watching Kentucky to see how this change in policy will affect the lives of youths and how it will contribute to the current discourse of the rights of the LGBTQ+ individuals in the United States.

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